How to Grow from Challenger to Go-to Brand

A case study on shifting brand perception

In investment banking, firms win or lose business based almost exclusively on their reputation. A bank may have a strong reputation in leveraged finance or M&A, but may not even appear  on a CEO’s radar for an IPO, often regarded as one of the most visible and prestigious deals. How can a challenger brand break through? 

The Client Challenge

A global investment bank enjoyed a glowing reputation among private equity firms and other deal makers. When pursuing IPO opportunities, however, the brand lost plum assignments to banks with more recognizable brands. In order to grow, the firm needed to rebrand itself so that global chief executives would recognize its status on The Street as a top-tier investment bank.

The LAI Solution

Literate AI (LAI) worked with the corporate communications team to establish key objectives: 

  • What differentiates the firm for clients?
  • What has contributed to its growth to date?
  • How can the bank expand its client base?

LAI employed its unique methodology to achieve these objectives.

Step 1: Research and Analysis

Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research LAI examined the needs and challenges of the bank’s target audience. The insights were used to develop a tailored marketing strategy to help the bank achieve its objectives. 

Step 2: Strategy and Execution 

LAI leveraged the research insights and developed a new messaging platform aimed at changing perception among a specific group of corporate executives. The team then launched an integrated marketing campaign with digital content, sponsorships and earned media.

Step 3: Tracking AI Optimization

LAI’s used its proprietary AI platform, TLDR, to track coverage and sentiment around the brand across the media landscape.The bank continues to increase press coverage, expand reach, and gain more awareness.