What is AIO?

Well, it’s our shot at creating a new acronym for improving your comms and marketing with artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence Optimization. Now you get it!

Seriously, how does AIO work?

It starts by understanding how the machine learning algorithms driving search and chatbots — Large Language Models (#LLMs) in dork-speak — read and score your content.

Your content is everything searchable about your biz or brand on the internet.

The steps to begin to hone your AIO are:

Take Your Temperature: algorithms rank words using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Understand what’s hot and cold around you.
Build a Vocabulary: find the right words to tell your story.
Optimize Your Content: revise everything you publish for AIO.
Read, Write and Score Like a Machine: test all future content for how AI and algorithms think, revise accordingly and track progress.

Today, the opportunity to optimize your content, and therefore your reputation, is massive. Think back to the early days of Search Engine Optimization (#SEO) when simply publishing frequently could rank your content on first page results.

In the new world of Chatbots, it’s not as obvious how the AI comes up with the answers. Because machine learning is at work, it’s not always easy to reverse engineer how a platform like #ChatGPT arrived at its answers. Maybe that’s why great companies and marketers are moving too slowly to optimize for AI.

Remember, chatbot and search results can only come from available data, ie, the content about you. And if it’s bad or inadequate, your business will pay the price.

Garbage in, garbage out still holds. GIGO, another great acronym!

If you want to learn more about how to AIO your business or brand to improve reputation, drive sales, attract investors or more, drop us a line at at our website.

In case you’re wondering what AI thinks of AIO, see below.