Why Your C-Suite Needs an AI Strategy Now

The emergence of ChatGPT marks a new beginning of the AI age, and C-suites must adapt or risk losing control of their brands and reputations. Why? Because AI is now the mediator between companies and their shareholders, employees, customers and other stakeholders. More disturbing, the utterances and judgments of AI are often a black box, offering little clue as to how the algorithms arrived at their results.

So, how can you protect your business, brand and reputation as AI models increasingly determine what stakeholders read, hear, watch and even think?

The good news is that executives can leverage AI themselves to see how everything from fireside chats to investor communications to influencer partnerships will be interpreted by machines.

How Do Machines Read?

Let’s start by looking at how machines read and understand the world. AI models use a technology called Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interpret the meaning of text and speech. One use of the technology is analyzing sentiment, i.e., determining whether a certain word is hot or cold in a particular context. This is the scoring function of NLP, which investment firms have used for years to analyze earnings transcripts.

ChatGPT uses a particularly sophisticated type of NLP to create coherent, powerful answers to complex questions simply by understanding the relationships of the words.

Understanding how NLP works gives companies the power to optimize their communications and marketing strategies. Here’s how:

Read like a Machine

Use NLP to audit all relevant core content: scripts for quarterly earnings calls, sustainability reports, media coverage, marketing, social media and more. Identify the most positive and negative words and build AI-derived vocabularies for your brand, mission, product or services.

Write like a Machine

Overlay your AI-keywords in context in all future content creation; revise all old material when possible. This is ideal for everything from press releases to B2B content campaigns. Or don’t change a thing! The only sin is ignorance.

Score like a Machine

Track how your content performs, from earnings announcements scored by the business intelligence platform FactSet to social content to your CEO’s media coverage, speeches and CNBC interviews. You can gain a new level of insight into which messages work and how to improve their performance with machines and your ultimate, most important audience: humans.

Build Your Own Models

All of this sounds so easy, but what if you don’t have access to an NLP model?

Use Literate AI! We designed our platform to pull back the curtain on how AI ranks your business. We plug your content into our platform and build custom, optimized content and campaigns. That way, you can truly read, write, and score like a machine—and keep your ideas and content confidential until they are ready to go out into the world.

Understanding AI’s Limits (and Our Own)

While as individuals and leaders we have limited control over this technological evolution, human intelligence is crucial to understanding and determining the role these models should play, both in business and society at large.

C-Suites must understand where things are today, prepare for multiple futures, and make their voices heard on what AI can and should do. In the meantime, smart leaders will put AI to work whenever and wherever it can make a difference.